Community Impact
The Sarnia Lambton Future Fund Foundation helps ensure the United Way of Sarnia-Lambton is here to help the most vulnerable people in our community for future generations.
Annual revenues from the Sarnia-Lambton Future Fund Foundation to the United Way of Sarnia-Lambton continue to rise each and every year providing increasing, sustainable revenue. This revenue is invested directly into local community services that have a measurable impact on those most in need in Sarnia-Lambton.
United Way volunteers review our community needs on a regular basis, and carefully considers which group is most in need. There is currently a three-step volunteer process within the United Way to identify which agencies are not only assisting those most in need, but are identifying the actual impact and outcomes on the lives of clients, their families, and the community at large. United Way ensures that its funding to local community programs and services has a lasting change in people’s lives.
”Over my 37-plus years with United Way, I've seen countless lives being impacted by the great work of United Way-funded agencies in Sarnia-Lambton.
It's for that reason that I have left a gift for the United Way of Sarnia-Lambton. This gift will be invested with the Sarnia-Lambton Future Fund Foundation to provide ongoing, sustainable funding to the United Way on an annual basis and provide funding to meet the needs of our incredible community. I want to ensure the needs of our future generations are taken care of.
I have confidence in the Board of Directors of the Sarnia-Lambton Future Fund Foundation and the United Way of Sarnia-Lambton will invest my contributions wisely, and spend the revenue generated to meet the most pressing needs of our community in the future.
Dave Brown
”I am very proud of my association with the United Way of Sarnia Lambton. For many years we have been able to provide funding to Sarnia Lambton agencies to provide programs to assist the vulnerable and the needy within our community. As well, we have been able to improve accountability of these programs through the development and review of measurable outcomes with these local agencies.
Today’s reality of aging population, increased economic hardship on families, individuals and youth and increasing homelessness have put added pressure on our local agencies. At the same time as the need is ever increasing, the ability to campaign and raise needed funding has become increasingly difficult.
The Sarnia Lambton Future Fund was developed as a mechanism to augment campaign efforts and to provide legacy funding to the United Way. This will ensure that our Sarnia Lambton agencies will have access to resources they so dearly need for years to come. The Future Fund was not designed to be in competition with the traditional fund raising efforts of the United Way campaign, rather was implemented to be a vehicle that will allow for legacy giving of gifts through wills and remembrance donations.
I would encourage everyone to please continue to support the United Way annual campaign to address the needs of today, but also give consideration to legacy giving through the Sarnia Lambton Future Fund to address the needs if tomorrow.
Al McChesney